What we consume, how the products are manufactured, shipped, used and ultimately discarded, how much of the food is thrown out and how much is already lost before the food even ends up on the plate. All of this and much more affect us people and the climate.

Midsona wants to continue to be a part of the solution. By being a responsible, transparent consumer product company with sustainable raw material purchases and products that can be trusted. By continuing to develop products - especially vegan and vegetarian - that are good for people, the environment and the climate, under strong brands. By contributing to a greater insight into the value of commitment to what the food contains and what a balanced diet entails for the body. By being the expert in health and well-being for several years.

This is our contribution to a healthier planet.

Read more about what we particularly focus on by clicking on one of the icons.

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Our sustainability strategy shows our high ambition and the direction we want to go to contribute to a sustainable society. The strategy is based on our mission to help people live a healthy life.

To get there, Midsona must work with what we are best at, namely:

  • Understand our consumers and be updated on their needs
  • Have the best knowledge about health and the central role of consumption in our daily well-being
  • Collaborate with our suppliers throughout the value chain and be able to demand that they act in a sustainable way

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Midsona is constantly working on different sustainability projects to promote a healthy lifestyle and reduce our negative impact on the environment and climate. Read more on the link below.

The framework for Midsona’s sustainability report is based on the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) framework. We base Midsona’s sustainability work and Code of Conduct on the UN Global Compact, which includes the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Convention against Corruption, the ILO’s core conventions and the Rio Declaration.

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