Midsona's mission is to help people live a healthier life, and through our plant-based and organic products we can help them achieve both a sustainable and a healthy life.

We prioritize working for our employees' health and security and their right to have a safe and motivating work environment with a good balance between work and leisure.

It is of the highest importance for Midsona to respect human rights and rights at work and to protect health, safety and environment. We expect all our suppliers, subcontractors and other partners to have the same priorities.

Midsona is since 2011 members of UN Global Compact Initiative and we are thereby supporting the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the core principles of the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the Rio Declaration and the UN Convention against Corruption.


In Midsona's work on human rights and rights at work and to protect health, safety and environment, we support five of the global targets for a sustainable development.

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Access to adequate and nutritious food to everyone

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Reduce the number of diseases and deaths due to pollution

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Advocate for a fair distribution of power, influence and resources in society

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Promote continuous, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment with decent working conditions for all

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Achieve sustainable development by reducing our ecological footprint and changing the way we produce and consume goods and resources