At the 2021 Annual General Meeting, the authorised accounting firm Deloitte AB was re-elected for a period of one year up to the end of the 2022 Annual General Meeting. It was decided at the 2021 Annual General Meeting that remuneration of the external auditor will be on approved account.

The auditor examines the company's annual accounts, interim report for the third quarter and accounting records and the administration of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer.

The auditor attends each meeting of the Audit Committee and continuously reports to the Audit Committee. The audit is reported to the shareholders in the audit report, which constitutes a recommendation to the shareholders prior to their decision at the Annual General Meeting. The audit takes place in accordance with the Swedish Companies Act and generally accepted auditing principles.


Jeanette Roosberg

Born 1973. Authorised public accountant at Deloitte AB
Auditor of Midsona since 2021